Have you ever asked yourself, ‘do soulmates exist?’ If you’ve ever wondered if you have a soulmate, or worried that your soulmate wouldn’t find you, or grieved the loss of a soulmate, there is a book that you’ve got to read. Brian Weiss is a psychiatrist known for his work in past life regression. He…
How telepathy can sabotage your dating life
Everyone has psychic ability, but if you aren’t in control of your abilities, they can wreak havoc on your life. If you have strong telepathic capabilities, you may have the ability to transmit thoughts to others. When you can control this ability, life can be great. One day you might find yourself thinking about how much…
Yes Mercury Retrograde made you less psychic
Whew! So many people have voiced their relief that Mercury Retrograde is over. This one (between April 9, 2017 and May 3, 2017) was particularly tough for many of us. Plus, it overlapped with Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all going Retrograde during that same period. Chances are you’re aware that Mercury Retrograde is characterized…
Mercury Retrograde is over: Why you’re not out of the woods yet
Mercury Retrograde gets a bad rap. Those of us who know anything about astrology (and even many people who don’t) know that Mercury Retrograde is not the most anticipated time in the world. In fact, it’s known for miscommunications, delays and other unpleasant circumstances. I know you’ve heard someone blame all their troubles on Mercury…
Signs you are a natural telepathic receiver
Telepathy, the ability to send and transmit messages to others without speaking, is a skill that many people wish to have. However, you may be a natural telepathic receiver–someone who naturally picks up on the thoughts of others. Chances are, in some areas of your life, you are already practicing telepathy and not even realizing it….