If you’ve ever had the urge to check out a haunted house or you are addicted to the show Ghost Hunters, you may have what it takes to be a ghost hunter. Some people feel and sense spirits around them, while others prefer to take a more scientific approach. If you fall into the latter…
What your interest in Tarot Cards could be telling you
Your interest in Tarot Cards might be bigger than mere curiosity about your life. It could be a calling. Have you ever wanted to be a psychic or Tarot Card reader? Have you ever wanted to know how to do a past life regression? Do you think you’d be a good Law of Attraction coach? If you’re…
Psychic Predictions about the Donald Trump Presidency – Updated
People have sought out predictions about the Donald Trump presidency since his election in 2016 and interest is not slowing. Here we keep track of some of the latest predictions about the Donald Trump presidency. As the 2020 election gets closer, psychics are chiming in on their thoughts. Polish psychic Krzysztof Jackowski, known for his…
How the Law of Attraction helped elect Donald Trump
Many people keep describing the shock they are in that Donald Trump became president of the United States. In fact, the world seems to be amazed that such a hateful, divisive message actually won out. What were the American people thinking?!? But if you have an understanding of the Law of Attraction, you should NOT…
Parallel lives: Living multiple lifetimes at once
Many of us have heard of and believe in the concept of past lives. However, some experts say we can be living more than one life at the same time. So you could be pursuing a stellar career in one life while being a homemaker raising her children in another at the same exact same time….