It’s human nature to be afraid of things that we don’t understand, but should you be afraid of ghosts? For the most part, the answer is ‘no.’ Unlike the horror movie industry would have you believe, most ghosts, or spirits who are no longer living, have no desire to do you harm. If you’ve ever…
Category: Uncategorized
5 reasons online psychic readers trump face-to-face psychics
You’ve been feeling a little uncertain about a particular area in your life. Perhaps your job isn’t going well and you’re wondering if the challenging times will blow over or if you should get your resume out into circulation. Maybe you’re concerned about money. You have a lot of bills that are piling up and…
Psychic connection: Are psychic abilities real?
If you’re asking the question ‘Are psychic abilities real?’ or you’re wondering if there’s a such thing as a psychic connection, chances are deep down, you already know that they are. On some level, you recognize the fact that there are unexplained ways that people just know certain things that they logically should have no…
When to ignore a psychic reading
A psychic reading is designed to give you insight into areas of your life that you may be energetically blocked about. For example, you’re confused about the next step you should take, or you’re unsure whether now is the best time to make a major change. Sometimes you might want a psychic reading to give…
Signs of psychic overload
If you’re highly sensitive or even psychic, your senses are heightened to the feelings, thoughts and actions of others. While some people may be oblivious to all that is going on around them, you tend to notice everything, whether it’s evident or below the surface. This can be a good thing if you’re trying to…