You work hard for your money. You don’t want to waste it. Yet, you sometimes want the guidance and wisdom of a psychic. I get it. When you are confused about a certain area of your life (like your love life), or perhaps you want something to happen very badly, you are not always clear-headed,…
Category: Uncategorized
Hearing Voices? Researchers Study Psychics to see How They Cope
Psychic ability shows up in so many ways. Some people have visions. Some people sense the emotions and moods of others. And some hear voices. If hearing voices is something you can relate to, you may be clairaudient. But in our society, it’s not always smart to tell someone that you hear voices. There’s a…
Signs a Number is Trying to Get Your Attention
When you pay attention, you’ll notice that the Universe gives you messages all the time. One way the Universe communicates with you is through numbers. Numerology is the study of the occult meaning of different numbers. Certain numbers have special significance. For example, the number one might represent new beginnings, while the number seven is…
What to expect from a seance
If you’ve ever lost someone close to you, or experienced the pain of grieving the death of a loved one, you may have wished that you could communicate with those on the other side. If you have an open mind and you’re adventurous, you may be able to. Many people claim to have success communicating…
Fertility problems? A past life may be to blame
If you’ve ever considered getting a past life regression, try this reason on for size. Past life events could have imprinted themselves on your soul so much that they are affecting your current life. If you’re part of a couple who has suffered with fertility problems, a past life could be to blame. Whenever we…