As we welcome 2016 this week, don’t expect the year to get off to a quick start. Mercury Retrograde is right around the corner, waiting to wreak havoc from January 5 to January 25.
If you know your astrology (or even if you don’t), you may know enough to dread whenever Mercury Retrograde comes around. That’s because when we pay attention to what’s going on in our lives during a Mercury Retrograde period, we often can easily recognize its effects.
When Mercury is in retrograde, the planet appears to move backward. As a result, the parts of our lives that Mercury rules, astrologically speaking, also often appear to move backward. Among the areas that Mercury rules are communication, legal matters such as contracts, transportation and technology. So it’s not uncommon to have major miscommunications during Mercury Retrograde. For example, you and your boss might be on entirely different pages when it comes to what is is expected when completing a project. Or you might have a fight with your significant other because one of you misunderstood what the other was trying to say.
Your financial matters could also experience chaos. If you’re waiting for a check for a consulting gig, for example, you might find that during Mercury Retrograde the money is delayed. Or you might learn that the invoice you submitted was never even turned in due to a communication mishap.
With Mercury Retrograde occurring so early in the year, it could be even more frustrating than usual. At the start of the year, we are often motivated and want to get a lot of things done quickly. However, Mercury Retrograde is characterized by delays so if you’re careful, you might find yourself giving up on your New Year’s resolutions even faster than you’ve done so in previous years.
What’s the best way to handle Mercury Retrograde? It’s best to be aware of it and to exercise patience. You know what to expect, so prepare to make great strides after the period is over. Astrology is valuable because it allows us to plan our lives so that we do things when it’s most beneficial for us to do them. For example, if we know that Mercury Retrograde is coming up, we might delay pursuing a legal matter or trying to get someone to sign a contract.
The more we know about astrology the better we are able to identify the best times in our lives to pursue our interests. For example, certain times of the year are favorable for our careers. That might be the best time to dust the resume off and send it out. Another period might be favorable for romance. If that’s the case, you might want to circulate and attend more social events at that time.
If you want to learn more about astrology and how to read your own chart, consider taking the course Become Your Own Astrologer: Learn to Read Astrology Charts with the Astro Twins. Taught by twin sister astrologers Ophira Edut and Tali Edut, the course teaches you how to use astrology to discover your life path, your best skills for making money and how you can jumpstart your romantic life. You can even take the information that you gain from the course and start giving astrological readings to friends and family members — or do it for a profit.