If you follow astrology or certain astrologers, you’ve probably been hearing about how historic March 2025 is likely to be. In fact, when it comes to March 2025 astrology, there are several astrological events that would be big deals on their own. The fact that they are all happening around the same time and, many, in the same signs suggests that these weeks could be challenging to say the least. Among the events slated to happen in March 2025:
Venus goes retrograde from Aries to Pisces from March 1 to April 12.
Mercury goes retrograde from Aries to Pisces from March 15 to April 7.
There will be a lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13-14.
There will be a solar eclipse in Aries on March 29.
The planet Neptune moves from Pisces to Aries on March 30.
Astrologers have been warning that the conditions are ripe for major global transitions ranging from war to assassinations to civilian unrest.
Interestingly, if you follow psychics on social media, such as tarot readers and other seers, many are predicting the same thing.
You don’t have to be an astrologer or a psychic to notice that the world has entered a new era of uncertainty. In history there are periods of time that are considered exceptionally dark and difficult. There are signs that we are in a similar era.
So where do we go from here?
As the events play out this month, self-care is a must and there can be plenty of peace to be found through ritual and spirituality. This month we’ll be bringing you different rituals and exercises you might try as you make sense of all that is happening. To begin with:
Make time for meditation.
Really. We always say we’re going to meditate, but we just can’t seem to find the time, right? If that sounds familiar try to break that cycle at least this month. Not only will it help to calm you and relieve stress, but it helps you to be literally be more psychic. When your mind is calm you can pick up on psychic impressions, energy, telepathic thoughts – all of that. In a time when there are more perceived dangers, it’s more important than ever to have access to your sixth sense – your psychic ability. Meditation is key to strengthening it.
Start practicing your own form of divination.
Whether it’s tarot cards, runes, dreams or simple energy sensing, focus on interpreting what your psychic senses are telling you. Take a few minutes each morning to see what you pick up about how the day will unfold. See how accurate you are. Start paying attention to your natural psychic abilities. That helps them to get stronger. Again, when times are challenging your psychic abilities become more important. In some cases, they can literally save your life.
Focus on the art of surrender.
Believe it or not, surrender is a form of psychic ability too. There are certain things that we can’t control. When we tap into our psychic abilities we’re going to tap into some of those events. When we intuit that something difficult is about to happen, we may feel the desire to stop it or do something. Sometimes that’s the right course of action. Other times, it’s not. Sometimes we get premonitions merely so we can brace ourselves and make the most of it. Practicing discerning when it’s time to stop a potential vision from coming true and when it’s time to allow what you see to pass.
March 2025 astrology is likely to be a doozy. But as people tuned in with our natural psychic senses, we are ready.