We’ve been doing a deep-dive on angel numbers. While it’s relatively easy to find interpretations or meanings behind the various angel numbers, what’s more difficult to find is advice on what to do when you see a particular number. We’re going to try to add some of that context here. When you see 111 or…
Why am I seeing angel numbers?
Have you ever glanced at the clock or looked up at a sign and seen repeating numbers? Maybe it was 3:33. Or 12:12. Or maybe you were driving on the highway and you saw the sign for mile number 111. Those repeating numbers are angel numbers. Seeing them is one of the most powerful ways…
How to create an altar at home
Sometimes we need a little metaphysical help with a tricky situation. There’s a co-worker trying to sabotage you at work. You’re finally ready to get back in the dating game. You’re worried about some health concerns and waiting to hear back from the doctor. All of these scenarios are different, but one way to focus…
Crystals for tarot
I’m a proponent of using multiple types of metaphysical tools together. I find that it gives my rituals and practices more focused energy, and ultimately makes them more effective. Tarot and crystals can go hand in hand and can complement one another. Some may even find that certain crystals can make it easier for you…
What does the fool tarot card mean?
If the fool tarot card comes up in a reading, the message for you may be to get comfortable with the idea of starting a new adventure. The fool reminds us of the excitement that comes with the beginning of a new journey and the willingness to take a step into the unknown. In some…