You’re wearing your favorite crystal bracelet, which is meant to attract prosperity into your life. The bracelet has citrine and green aventurine crystals, and you’ve definitely felt like they’ve been working recently. After all, you just got a promotion at work and the side business you’ve been nurturing is starting to take off.
But then, all of a sudden the bracelet explodes off of your wrist. As a result, the crystals drop onto the floor. It happened out of the blue — you didn’t do anything to the crystal, and now you’re wondering what the heck that was all about. Was it a bad sign? You haven’t had the bracelet for that long. What was that experience trying to tell you? What does it mean when your crystal bracelet breaks?
While your first instinct may be that it’s a bad sign, the meaning of a crystal bracelet breaking could actually be indicative of the opposite. Here are some possible interpretations.
It could mean that the crystal’s work has been done
What did you intend for the crystal bracelet to do? Hopefully, you charged the crystal after cleansing it. Charging a crystal is simply setting an intention. To charge a crystal, you might go into meditation and communicate telepathically to the crystal letting it know you want it to help you find a job, attract a mate or whatever goal you’re trying to achieve. Once work has been done and the manifestation is ready, the crystal bracelet might break because it’s no longer needed. (Even if you don’t see the manifestation in the physical world, the energetic work may be complete. If a crystal bracelet breaks, expect to see evidence that your goal has been accomplished.)
It could mean the crystal has absorbed it’s fill of energy
When you’re working with crystals, a powerful energy transfer takes place. That energy transfer could affect the physical makeup of the crystal. To prevent this from happening it’s a good idea to cleanse your crystals regularly so that energy can be released.
It could be time for you to work on something else
Though we as humans often try to control everything, the Universe has a way of letting you know what’s next for you. A broken crystal bracelet could be a sign that it’s time to stop working toward that goal and and time to begin a new goal or task. You might even be drawn to a different crystal to work with shortly after a crystal bracelet breaks.
What all of these things have in common is the underlying truth that it’s time to take a break from that particular crystal. Surrender to the experience and ask for guidance about what goals — and what crystals — to focus on next.